200 Stories
Through the collective experiences of this extraordinary community, we define the spirit that makes us distinctly Trinity. Over the course of the Bicentennial year, we will collect 200 stories of our people, places, and this liberal arts education—some personal, some from existing publications. We invite you to join and share this communal storytelling project.

Both a Student and a Staff Member
During the Great Depression, A. Raymond Madorin ’35 served as Trinity’s director of food services and kept a Great Dane in his college housing.
A. Raymond Madorin ’35
A Queer History of Trinity College
Trinity’s history includes the story of two students who met during orientation in 1955 returned to the college in 2008 to become the first same-sex couple wed in the Chapel.
Queer History
Yearlong Celebration Launches Trinity’s Third Century
Experience the yearlong Bicentennial celebration through this multimedia package.What 200 Years Taught Us
Bicentennial Steering Committee Co-chairs Philip S. Khoury ’71, H’21, Kelli Harrington Tomlinson ’94, Vice President for Strategic Marketing and Communications Hellen Hom-Diamond, and Associate Dean for Curriculum and Professor of Theater and Dance Mitchell Polin ’96 share the last Bicentennial lesson.
What 200 Years Taught Us
Bicentennial Gala Celebrates Trinity’s Impact in Hartford
Held May 11, 2024, the event supported Trinity’s commitment to the city that its founders chose 200 years ago, raising funds for scholarships for Hartford students.
Hartford Impact
Campus Core Named to National Register of Historic Places
Trinity’s featured architecture dates back to the late 19th century through the mid-20th century, the time period that followed the campus’s 1878 relocation from a hill in downtown Hartford to its Summit Street home.
National Register
‘The Beautiful School with the Towers’
Rosanne Demanski ’95 grew up in the Elmwood section of West Hartford and, as a young child, climbed the trees in her backyard to look at the Hartford skyline.
Rosanne Demanski ’95
Marking the Past
A new granite bench marks the Zion Hill Cemetery grave site of early Trinity College staff member Benjamin Franklin Anderson.
Marking the Past
Cultural Houses Open Door to Understanding
As of the Bicentennial, there are three cultural houses: La Eracra, Asian American Students Association, and Umoja, that continue in conjunction with other important efforts.
Brief History of the Cultural Houses
Academic Advising an Asset at Trinity
Academic advising has a powerful place on the list of what makes Trinity’s liberal arts education so valuable, said Irene Papoulis, director of Academic Advising and Faculty Development.
On Academic Advising